Archives for 2012

The Anxiety of Truth

I write a lot about happy things. About pretty things. Things that you can buy or wear, read and enjoy. I write about going for a run or decorating your house. I write about beauty products that can improve your complexion and make you feel more beautiful. Pretty. Feminine. Loved. I write about all of the things we dream about, desire and want. But what I don’t write about, what I’m afraid to write about, is the truth. I don’t write about my emotions. I don’t write about the heavy weight of sadness, frustration or fear that can sneak up on you and settle in the cracks of your foundation. I don’t write about how imperfect life can be at times. We all strive to put the best version of ourselves online. We edit and tweak, correct and alter. We put this alternate life on our Facebook pages, our Instagram albums, our Twitter feeds. We continue to churn out the glossiest version of our lives. The one that looks the best. The one that will make our enemies jealous and our loved ones proud. But where is the truth? Why are we all so afraid to share the truest version of ourselves? Is it because we worry that opening ourselves up that wide will leave us vulnerable? Easy prey? Will we look pathetic or weak or sad? The truth of the matter is that I have really bad days. I have days that knock me to my knees. Days that make me want to pull the covers over my head and ignore the world outside my window. But I never do pull the covers over my head. I am a determined survivor. I am also a perfectionist. And I’m emotional. Mix all of those factors and you have the perfect combination for anxiety. I’m constantly worried that I’m making the wrong decisions, ruining my life, failing. I worry that I will be plagued with bad luck. I worry that I could be better, smarter, stronger. And then I worry about worrying. Talk about anxiety!

But maybe things could be different. Maybe if I allowed myself to live in the truth, to get my hands dirty with honesty and reality, I could feel a weight lifted from my shoulders? Maybe if I stopped trying to be so perfect and just worked at being the truest, most honest version of myself, the anxiety will abate? Because to be truthful, writing this down, expressing these honest emotions and worries, feels really good. (Thanks, Aidan!) It feels like a sigh of relief. Maybe honesty and truth will make me feel better than polishing and editing reality? Maybe using this website as a way to clear my head of false reality, will inspire me to live my life with more authenticity and intention? Because for the first time, I want to write these words, these truths, for no one else but myself.

As a wise man once said, “Things do not change, we change.” So in the spirit of Thoreau, I’m changing. And so is this site. And so, essentially, is my life.

I can’t think of a better way to end 2012 and ring in 2013 than with the motivation and inspiration to live my real life…and document it.

PS- I will still be posting beautiful, happy, entertaining things here. But I just want to bring a little more honesty to the mix, even if it’s a little ugly at times.


Image Via Katie Daisy

I love everything about this painting! The quote, the colors, the contrast, the vibrancy. Just beautiful!

Happy Holidays

Well, I’m off to do some Christmas shopping. This is my absolute, hands-down, favorite time of the year. I love the festivity, the kindness, the general excitement that surrounds me wherever I go. It’s just a beautiful and breath-taking time of year. Yes, there are long lines, rude people, the expense of it all. But there is also a timeless quality to the holidays. It’s a time to remember where you were last year, the year before, ten years before. It’s a time of love and reflection. It’s also a time for hope. The possibility of a new year and all the joy and adventure yet to come. I am looking back fondly on 2012. Yes, there were some large bumps in my road and many tears shed, but I was with the people I love and I appreciated every moment of it. I have tremendous hope for 2013 and feel blessed that I am able to sit here, write these words, put my heart into everything I do and move forward.

Happy Holidays!

i love new york

I just adore this print. It’s made by Tiffany Pelczar. And what’s even more beautiful about this print? All proceeds go to the American Red Cross and Salvation Army.



There are so many businesses online. So many creative ideas, projects, initiatives, missions. They are popping up all over the place and they are inspiring and motivating. But they can also be overwhelming. They can make you feel inferior or like a failure because you haven’t built your own successful business, because you don’t have that “million dollar idea.” But the truth is, just trying to reach your dreams is the definition of success. Taking that step, putting yourself out there, making a leap into the unknown is the sign of courage. Try everything. Be curious. Discover your passion.

“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” – Ursula LeGuin


“It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.” ~Zig Zigler

I’m very inspired by Elisa Blaha‘s Mile-A-Day Challenge. The basic idea is that every day, from Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day, you will walk or run at least a mile a day. I technically started the day before Thanksgiving and have logged three miles a day of walking. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I haven’t gone for my walk today but I’m looking forward to it. Giving yourself a timeline with requirements that must be met can be sort of liberating. It is something that I can put on my to-do list that will actually bring me healthy benefits (and emotional, as well). I’m also working on another project that I’m looking forward to sharing with you in the very near future! It is one of those “ideas” that just brings forth a surge of excitement and enthusiasm. Can’t wait to talk about it more!


Loving Fall

I am a sucker for a New England fall. The dramatic drop in temperature. The vibrant colors that light up the trees. The crackle of fallen leaves. The cold fingers and toes at night as you snuggle deeper under your covers. It makes me feel brilliantly alive. It’s days like this that make me thankful to live where I do. Yes, when the long, hard winter months start hanging heavily over my head, I do wish for the summer skies of California. I long to feel the warm sun radiating on my body and I sense a definite change in the moods of those around me. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing and I can tell you it makes an appearance every February/March without fail. But for now, the chill is delightful. It hints at holidays and time with our family. The winter chill means hot apple cider on the stove, a fire in the fireplace and cozy clothing (with elastic waists!). I am going to really try and hold onto this winter cheer for as long as humanly possible. I will try to see the beauty in everything it brings and really try not to complain too much around January, February and March. (But I can’t make any promises).


Around Here…

The holidays are fast approaching so that means the temperature is dropping…rapidly. I have become a bit of a fire fiend. I love the smell, the crackle of the logs, and the warmth a fire provides. It is soothing and comforting, it’s like coming home. Nothing makes me think of home more than the holidays. I’m really excited to spend Thanksgiving with the people I love, who mean the world to me. So my week has been spent decorating for Thanksgiving and prepping my baking skills. I’ve also been taking long walks, enjoying this brilliant fall in New England, watching the last of the leaves fall from the trees. Super Storm Sandy forced the leaves off the trees a little earlier than expected but it’s beautiful nonetheless. I’ve also been doing lots of fall cleaning and have found a great little trick. Leave a big, canvas bag in a central spot and throughout the day, as I find things that need to be put away or brought back to their home, I drop it in the bag. Instead of having clutter everywhere, I have a bag-o-stuff that I can carry around while I return things to where they belong. It works great! Plus, the bag looks cute in my hallway.

My Project Life

I could literally go on for hours about how much I love Project Life by Becky Higgins. I’ve never been a “scrapbooker.” Yes, I’m crafty. Yes, I love documenting my life, preserving my memories, reflecting on the journey I’ve been on. But layouts and color coordinating papers and stickers just never worked really well for me in my busy life. Project Life is something that I have found to be so valuable because it is so easy and intuitive. It is just structured enough to help you stay organized but still gives you the freedom to make it whatever you want. I love that it’s something that allows me to document my everyday life but also highlight the really important moments (my niece’s 10th birthday, holidays, weddings). I’ve also been able to tastefully document the not-so-bright moments in my life. It gives me a way to remember them and reflect on them in my own way. We are all on a journey and looking back over where we’ve been helps us see where we are going.


Here are a few of my favorite Project Lifers

Elise Blaha

Ali Edwards

Amy Tangerine

Project Life

I love Project Life!

Holiday Party Planning

Yes, I know Halloween was last week and Thanksgiving has yet to come, but I’m already planning my sister’s Holiday Party. Yes, it happens to be a party she has yet to say she’s having and she may discover she is having this party by reading this blog. But still, better to be prepared, right?

So I’m already falling in love with all of the sparkly, brilliant ideas I’m finding on Pinterest.

I can’t wait for this party {obviously} and I think it will be fun to spend the next two months planning. Although, maybe I should work on my Thanksgiving table first? Oh well. So much to do, so little time.

Happy Holidays!

via Amy Atlas

via Amy Atlas

via pinterest

via Pinterest

via Pinterest

I promise next time I will talk about Thanksgiving and I feel badly for not giving any love to Halloween. So in closing, I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween filled with sweet treats and spooky times!

The Power of Decisions

Use a permanent marker. Make a choice. Take that trip. Order that dessert. Speak UP!

Usually, when I come across two common themes from separate outlets (written by people I respect), I pause and wonder if the Universe is trying to tell me something.

Today it was about DECISIONS.

Amy Spencer wrote a fascinating and very uplifting essay on the freedom that making a decision gives us. Rather than bouncing around between ideas of what you could/should/would do, just DO! Amy’s post, TOSS YOUR ERASER, is filled with some very inspiring suggestions for making decisions and the feeling of pride and accomplishment that decision-making will give you. She called it “Today’s little happy life idea” and it is just that. An idea to help make your life a little happier. Amy quotes John W. Gardner’s idea that “Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.” Amy goes on to add, “No, you don’t have an eraser, but you have a huge, bright, empty piece of paper in front of you to draw in whatever direction you want to go next.” She also points out that no decisions are permanent. Even the ones written in permanent marker (or tattoos, or marriage certificates, or down payments). “There are few decisions or mistakes in life that can’t be fixed. Sure maybe you end up with a little headache trying to fix it…but weren’t you giving yourself as much of a headache in struggling over the decision in the first place?” Smart advice!

Danielle LaPorte recently wrote about her new DESIRE program. She detailed her decisions to go forward with an idea and how she likes to put it out into the world immediately, while the fire’s still hot. She tells the world her intentions. Makes the statement. Marks her calendar and starts running in the direction of her dreams. Danielle says it’s all about a feeling of urgency. A need to get the word out about an idea, a decision, a move.

We are in an age when we are afforded more opportunities than ever before and we are becoming paralyzed by choices. The opportunity to be, do, experience, learn, create, and succeed is exciting, tempting and exhilarating. It can also be overwhelming. We can begin to feel anxiety over of making the “wrong” choice. What these two smart and inspiring women are saying, the themes that are echoed in their thoughts, is that any decision, if made with conviction and excitement for the possibility of success, is a worthwhile decision. We can’t get anywhere if we are frozen in one spot. The only way we can succeed is by moving forward, putting one foot in front of the other and saying YES to life.

Find Your Groove

Everything can overwhelm us.

We are programmed to be overwhelmed.

It’s in our DNA. It’s instilled in us from a young age. It grows with age and tightens around us every year.

It starts so young. “I have so much homework!”

“I have so many after school activities.”

“I don’t have time to play, shower, sleep.”

The list goes on and on. We begin bemoaning all of our “to-dos” because they give us a sense of importance. “Look how busy/important/smart I am.” The more you have to do, the more adult you are. The less you have to do, the more childlike. Why is being childlike so bad? Why do we look down on people who talk about the relaxing day they had reading/writing/watching bad reality tv/playing? Maybe if we spent our time seeking out the things that bring us the most joy and work towards creating time and space for them in our busy/hectic/overwhelming lives, we would feel more satiated, more centered, more FULL. Life should be FULL. It should be FULL of happiness, it should be FULL of enjoyment, it should be FULL of accomplishments that make us proud.

Prioritize the things that really matter. Make time for the enjoyment that you are “working towards.” There is an old cliche about a man on his deathbed and how no one will ever hear him say, “I wish I’d spent more time at the office.” It’s true. You will never wish you took more business calls or spent more hours at your desk. You will never live out your full potential if you spend your day wishing you were somewhere else, doing something else. The only way you will really begin to appreciate your life is to really LIVE it. Live every inch of it. Do the things that you know will make you happy. Because in those moments of doing what makes you happy, you might just stumble upon that which will fulfill you and make your dreams come true. Find your groove and live there.


The days are long but the years are short. We hear this often but we don’t really listen. It is important to really LISTEN. To NOTICE. To pay attention to all that is going on around us. The desire to find the easy way out, the shortest path, the quickest way to do things, feel things, process things is always the one we are most drawn to and seek out most frequently. But sometimes we have to get through something slowly, diligently, with patience and resolve. The obstacles life throws us will be rough, difficult, verging on impossible. They challenge us. They push us. They scare us. But the only way to get over something is to go through it. To feel every inch of it, no matter how painful or difficult. Life is a roller coaster filled with ups and downs. None of it can be expected, prepared for or predicted. We can only strap ourselves in, take a deep breath and move forward. We have to believe in ourselves, believe in the path and have hope, faith and grace. There is no easy way out, no magic pill, no instruction manual. Life is difficult. But it is also beautiful and miraculous and filled with blessings. Enjoy your days and find the blessings in every moment. Years from now you will thank yourself for having faith and you will feel proud of yourself for surviving. Even thriving.

Run Away to Reconnect


“You are not your to do list. You are not your have-nots or must-dos. You are not your job. Although your first waking thoughts likely focus on the needs of others and all the things you want to accomplish, you are, most important, yourself. Take time every day to remember that – even if it means running away from everyone and everything you love so you come back refreshed and recharged. The world can wait. You shouldn’t have to.” -Self Magazine, November 2012

Do you ever notice that the more you do for people, the more you resent them or the time you lost? Even if these are the people you love most in the world and you are doing things that you really want to do, you can sometimes still feel deflated afterwards. There has been a lot of talk about the power of meditation and yoga and relaxation. The reason these activities are growing in popularity is not because we are becoming a more spiritual population but because we are realizing the importance of giving ourselves something so precious and fleeting, time. We are often so busy running around doing for others, even at the expense of our own inner peace. What we don’t realize is that by constantly giving of ourselves to others, we are taking away our own personal comfort. Always being there for others is a sign of great character and kindness. It is a powerful gift and one that should never be taken for granted. However, the word selfish gets a bad reputation. Sometimes being selfish is the greatest gift you can give to yourself…and to others. Taking time for yourself, saying “no” to a request, stepping away from everyone to give yourself a moment to regroup and relax is sometimes the best thing you can do for others. By resting and doing what YOU want, you will be recharged and ready to help others tackle their problems, support them when they need you or celebrate their achievements.  Putting yourself first can give you that boost of confidence and clear thinking that will help you take the next steps in your generous life.

Cuteness Overload

Warning! These little princesses will steal your heart!!!

Breakouts Be Gone!

The summer heat can often bring out the worst in your skin. Sunburns lead to peeling, flaking cheeks, noses and foreheads. The wrong kind of sunblock can clog your pores. Chlorine and salt water and UV rays dry out your skin. But the heat also makes your skin oilier. All of these put together is a perfect storm for pimples. If you haven’t been exfoliating and cleansing your skin as you should (salicylic cleansers are a MUST this season), those pesky pimples will start to rear their ugly heads.

Here are some quick fix, must-have, go-to solutions that should be in every girl’s beauty arsenal.

Mario Badesku Drying Lotion


Cost: $17

This is the holy grail of all pimple healing solutions. It is world-famous. And at only $17, it should be in everyone’s beauty kit. DON’T shake before you use. We learned this from the experts themselves. Simply place a Q-tip into the bottle so that pink sediment gloms onto the cotton tip and then slowly bring it to the top, allowing the medicine to attach to the entire Q-tip (we don’t know how it works, it just does!)

From their website

The Drying Lotion is a fast acting, effective acne spot treatment. Formulated with salicylic acid, calamine and other quick-drying ingredients, this product will shrink ugly whiteheads virtually overnight while you sleep. While other acne spot treatments can irritate and dry delicate or sensitive skin, this product is safe and effective for all skin types. 

HOW TO USE: Before bed, after cleansing, toning and moisturizing apply a dab of lotion directly on the whitehead using a cotton swab. Do not rub in. Let it dry and rinse off in the morning. DO NOT shake the bottle and apply only the pink sediment on the skin.

BEAUTY TIP: Great for back acne and breakouts on the chest. The Drying Lotion will also take the itch out of mosquito bites fast!

Isopropyl Alcohol,Deionized Water (Aqua), CalamineCamphorColloidal SulfurSalicylic Acid,Glycerine, Zinc OxideTitanium DioxideTalc


Sonya Dakar Drying Potion


Cost: $25

This cobalt blue bottle is another must-have for your beauty stash. We like to use this and Mario’s Drying Lotion interchangeably. The potion goes on cool and white and you can almost feel the solution drying out that pesky pimple the moment it starts tingling on your skin. So what if you go to bed with pink and white spots all over your face. By morning, your pimple will be banished and you will be a beauty once again.

From their site:

Recognized by many as ‘Hollywood’s secret weapon’, this emergency solution helps treat and eliminate breakouts both above and below the skin’s surface. Formulated with Dead Sea sulfur to reduce redness and puffiness; pure lavender and chamomile to calm breakouts, sage to disinfect and peppermint to stimulate blood circulation to promote speedy healing.

• Perfect for both face and body breakouts
• Great for regular breakouts or last minute pop-ups
• Overnight solution for breakouts
• Dead Sea Sulfur
• Lavender & Chamomile Extracts
• Sage & Peppermint Extracts
Shake well and dot directly on blemish.
Although Drying Potion is a great spot treatment for those annoying occasional breakouts, we suggest that you include a Sonya Dakar skin product regimen for a comprehensive solution for your acne.

Juice Beauty Blemish Be Gone

Cost: $15

We like this easy, roll-on blemish solution because it’s part of a whole blemish clearing system. Plus it’s made from all natural goodies like organic apples and raw sugar and willow bark. It just makes you feel like you are feeding your face. Plus the aloe and Vitamin C helps reduce any darkening or scarring that the beastly breakouts may cause.

From the site:


Improve your skin’s texture and treat those problem areas anytime and anywhere. This on the go spot treatment contains a powerful hydroxy acid complex with certified organic apple, lemon and raw cane sugar blended with white willowbark and Co Q10 for a fresh and radiant complexion.


A powerful hydroxy acid complex of certified organic apple, lemon and willow bark unclogs pores, reduces breakouts and lightens scars while organic aloe, coenzyme Q10 and fat-soluble vitamin C renew the skin.

Burt’s Bees Herbal Blemish Stick

Cost: $8

We always like to include one easy, low-cost alternative to our readers. And Burt’s Bees Herbal Blemish Stick is just that. Plus, you don’t have to run out to the mall to grab it. It’s available at most drugstores or supermarkets. Plus it has tea tree oil, the pimple’s greatest enemy. Simply roll it on and go. It may sting a bit and has that tea tree oil smell (you either love it or hate it), but it works, it’s easy and it’s cheap. Who can say no to that?

From the site:

So long blemishes. Nature has a fix. Our all-natural blemish stick contains 10 effective herbal ingredients including Tea Tree and Juniper Oils, known for their antiseptic and astringent qualities. It also has Willow Bark, which clarifies and gently exfoliates your skin to decongest pores and help prevent annoying breakouts. So your skin will be clear and you’ll be smiling ear to ear.

• Contains 10 effective herbal ingredients
• Has Tea Tree and Juniper Oil known for their antiseptic and astringent qualities
• Clarifies and exfoliates skin gently and effectively with Willow Bark



What’s the Appeal of At-Home Peels?

Gone are the days when you had to book a visit to your dermatologist or aesthetician to get a chemical peel. While peels are still a popular choice at salons across the country, they are pricey (ranging anywhere from $500 to $2000), sometimes painful and require multiple visits to help improve skin tone. Peels typically include alpha hydroxy acids (glycolic acid), beta hydroxy acids (salicylic acid) or lactic acids.  For the most benefits to repair sun damage, reduce acne scarring and even out skin tone, repeated chemical treatments are required. Here are some at-home solutions that are easier on the checkbook, require minimal to no down-time for recovery and can be squeezed into your busy schedule (or between professional visits).


dr. brandt laser a-peel system:


We tried this and found it to be an effective peel without being too strong on the skin.  It tingles, which lets you know it is working. The second lotion (soothing gel) didn’t seem necessary, but it was included in the package so we used it. A regular moisturizer for sensitive skin might work just as well.

From Dr. Brandt website:

cost: $75

Peel away dead skin cells to reveal a radiant complexion.

This two-step peeling system, now repackaged in a convenient dual-chamber container, removes dead layers of cells on skin’s surface to re-texturize, refine pores, and reveal smooth, radiant skin just like an in-office chemical peel.

What it is formulated to do:

dr. brandt® laser a-peel® system is formulated to mimic in-office procedures that tighten pores, improve elasticity, and reveal skin radiance. This innovative duo is formulated with lactic and glycolic acids, and proprietary QuSome™ delivery technology to bring you high-impact results in minimal time.

  • exfoliates & reveals radiance
  • refines and smoothes skin’s texture
  • tightens pores & helps firm skin
  • improves elasticity

After 6 weeks of treatment*:

  • 69% reported improvement in skin radiance/glow
  • 80% reported improvement in the overall appearance/texture of the skin

*Clinical study conducted on 35 women 35-59 years


REN Glycolactic Skin Renewal Peel Mask


After 10 minutes, this tingly mask has a delightful fruity scent was a tad sticky, but seemed to deliver the results. After using for a few weeks, there was some discoloration reduction and an overall “clean” look. The fact that it is all-natural is a big plus!

From website:

Cost: $55

What it is:
A potent bioactive complex that reduces fine lines and dramatically improves tone, firmness, and radiance.

What it is formulated to do:
This treatment safely and effectively resurfaces the skin, without causing irritation. Its four-fruit-acid-complex (lactic, glycolic, tartaric and citric) and papain enzyme create a gentle-yet-potent exfoliating action that leaves skin glowing and healthy.


Kinara Red Carpet Facial Kit


We added this kit despite the fact that it’s a whole system (not just a chemical peel) because we’ve heard the results are the best around.  Not a cheap peel, by any means, but if it keeps Hollywood stars looking their best on the red carpet, perhaps it’s worth the big price tag. If you can’t make it out to Hollywood to go to the Kinara Spa, you can get the next best thing by using their Red Carpet Facial. We are putting this on our “must-have” list.

From their website:

Cost: $145

The exclusive Red Carpet Facial gained fame at Kinara Skin Care Clinic as the secret weapon of stars requiring immediate, highly-visible results for their highest-visibility events. The Red Carpet Facial Kit was designed to create the same results-driven facial treatment at home and on-demand. The only side effect is loving how you look!

Close-up ready skin in 3 simple steps:

  • Peel: Turn over skin cells to reveal refined, brighter and hydrated skin with Lactic and Malic Acids.
  • Neutralize: Revitalize dull, tired skin with a deep cleansing effervescent sensation via Argeninge and Sodium Bicarbonate.
  • Mask: Hydrate, soote, plump and oxygenate with Lysate extract, Pikea Robusta and Mineral Complex.

All easily applied with a treatment bowl and brush (included).


Exfoliates, hydrates, diminishes appearance of lines and large pores.

Long-Term Benefits:

  • Improves skin elasticity and firmness.
  • Ensures radiant and clear skin while improving texture and pore size.
  • Controls breakouts and acne.

Warning: Results can be addictive.


Philosophy: The Microdelivery Peel


This a great peel system that really wakes up your skin.  It reduces brown spots and helps even out skin tone. Vitamin C /peptide crystals are a great addition to the Lactic/Salycilic acid peel and complement the peeling process nicely. A great exfoliating peel at a great price.

From their website:

Cost: $40-$68

What it is:
A two-step, exfoliating, skin makeover.

What it is formulated to do:
The Microdelivery Peel Kit not only exfoliates the skin, it delivers vitamin C and peptides to the skin. This completely new approach to skin rejuvenation resurfaces and replenishes the skin at the same time.

features & benefits

  • smoothes and resurfaces rough texture
  • helps minimize the look of fine lines
  • helps brighten and even skin tone

What else you need to know:
Kit includes a 2 oz The Microdelivery Peel, Lactic/Salicylic Activating Gel and a 2 oz Vitamin C/Peptide Resurfacing Crystals.


  • Coming up: We will do a follow-up with “Peels in a Pad” — several companies are offering an even easier way to deliver their peels in portable, easy-to-use pads.  We’ll let you know which pads work best.


Fight Summer Frizz

Not all of us get beachy curls at the first hint of summer heat (we’d venture to say that there are very few out there who do). So how do you tame your frizzy locks when humidity hits? Here are some great tried and true products we turn to when the heat rises.

While we all know that healthy, summer hair needs to be protected by the harsh elements of too much sun, chlorine and the constant strain of being pulled into ponytails, these solutions are strictly for fighting frizz.  Keeping your hair moisturized, conditioned, covered with a hat when possible and using chlorine-removing shampoos are all important to keep your strands bouncy and full of life. But when your hair is growing fuller and frizzier by the minute, here are some solutions to return to sleek.

Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Relaxing Balm

Visit the Paul Mitchell website here:



Smoothes and controls hair.

Helps hair dry faster, fights frizz and delivers incredible memory.

Leaves even the most rebellious locks shiny and manageable.

  • Our exclusive Super Skinny® Complex displaces water and constricts hair to speed up drying and styling.
  • Wheat and vegetable proteins combined with conditioning ingredients moisturize hair from within.
  • A unique, humidity-resistant ingredient provides memory that lasts in any weather.



Ouidad Climate Control Heat & Humidity Gel

(Cost: $22 for 8.5 ounce, $52 for 24 ounce, $66 for 33.8 ounce)

To keep our curls sleek or tame our stubborn waves under the summer sun, we turn to this award-winning, beauty expert recommended gel again and again. Just a small amount will make your hair smooth and shiny. Plus it adds an extra level of protection from heat irons and blow dryers. Learn more from the info found on their website:

A “smart” gel, formulated with heat-activated wheat protein that breathes in humidity, protects the hair shaft and prevents hair from expanding. Its water-soluble formula of amino acids and vitamin A nourish and hydrate hair, leaving it soft, manageable and full of shine without any buildup. Even the most unruly curls are rendered calm, cool, and collected with style that will last and last. Also works as great protection against blow-dryer heat when a straight style is preferred.


No Frizz Nourishing Styling Cream by Living Proof

They have a complete No Frizz System that is comprised of a shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner, styling spray and nourishing styling cream. This is our go-to cream to de-poof hair and seal out the humidity.  Use this
Here is what they have to say about their No Frizz System on the Living Proof website:

Meet our miracle molecule, OFPMA. It does what oils and silicones can’t:

  • eliminates frizz by blocking humidity
  • smooths without weighing hair down
  • repels dirt to keep hair cleaner, longer

OFPMA does this by creating an exquisitely thin shield around each hair strand. The optimum shield is built and established over the first fives uses. With each use its frizz-fighting powers only get better — meaning it becomes stronger over time. Hair is smooth, soft, shiny, with lightweight, long lasting humidity protection for days. Whatever your style, welcome to the 1st day of your frizz-free life.

Eliminates frizz by blocking humidity. Weightlessly smoothes, conditions and tames frizzy, unmanageable hair. Free of silicones and heavy oils.

  • stops frizz. period.
  • weightlessly blocks humidity
  • smooths & conditions
  • no silicone or oils





Must-Have Sunscreens for Summer!

Stop sun damage before it starts. The most important part of everyone’s skincare routine should be what goes on BEFORE your makeup. Every day. Summer, Winter, Fall and Spring. But Summer is the most important time to bring the SPF.

Here are some lightweight, clean-feeling, non-comediogenic sunscreens that not only protect your skin from the sun, but have some extra benefits (vitamins, antioxidants, collagen builders and other goodies) for your skin.


Murad Essential C

MURAD Essential-C Day Moisture SPF 30

Cost: $60

Essential-C is a lightweight, citrus-scented moisturizer that is part of MURAD’s Sun Undone series. Vitamin C is important to help break down melanin in your skin and build collagen. This is our go-to moisturizer for daytime and makes adding sunscreen to our daily routine much easier.

Here is some more details about the sunscreen from Murad’s website:

Increased Vitamin C power and SPF in Essential-C Day Moisture SPF 30 provide powerful protection against environmental damage. Next generation Vitamin C and the patented Skin Repair System improve radiance, firmness and elasticity.

Additional features and ingredients:

  • Phospholipids and conditioners provide optimal hydration
    for environmentally stressed skin
  • Ectoin preserves hydration to optimize skin’s appearance and
    barrier function by reducing transepidermal water loss

LA MER The SPF 30 UV Protecting Fluid

Cost: $70

La Mer never fails to add a littler luxury to every day life.  Created with La Mer’s patented “Miracle Broth,” this SPF Protecting Fluid not only heals the skin from the inside out, but protects from outside elements. With a silky, lightweight feel, a heavenly smell and a matte finish, this sunscreen will not irritate skin or cause breakouts. Light enough to be a primer, it moisturizes, protects and makes your skin glow. An extravagant purchase that is worth the price. (Also available in a 3 tinted shades with SPF 18.)

Here’s some info from the La Mer website:

A treatment that is light years ahead of its time.

Ideal for all skin types, this weightless, high-powered fluid keeps skin soft, comfortable and hydrated as it helps protect skin against UVA/UVB rays and prevent the appearance of discolorations. Transparent on skin, it gives skin a radiant glow and is ideal as a makeup primer.

LUZERN Laboratories La Defense SPF 30

Cost: $45

This lightweight, non-greasy, organic sunscreen is great to wear under make-up. Because it is all-natural, it will not cause you to break out. And it has the all-important Zinc Oxide (a must for sunscreens), but has the bonus of rice peptides, minerals, green tea and beta-carotene — all without preservatives, synthetics, petrochemicals, sulfates and parabens. Not only does it protect your skin from the sun, but it gets to work on your skin, delivering wrinkle  busting minerals all while neutralizing pollution & ozone generated free radicals. Great for sensitive skin!

Here is some more information about this organic sunscreen from the Luzern website:

FIVE STAR UVA Protection + MMP Inhibitors

Shield your skin from UV-light, pollution and free radicals with 100% micronized, microdispersed mineral filters. Our powerful new peptide technology prevents the sun-induced breakdown of the collagen matrix – known as matrix metalloprotease (MMP) – one of the primary causes in the development of lines and wrinkles. This lightweight, transparent formula minimizes signs of premature aging and the formation of dark spots. Suitable for even the most delicate skin. So gentle it can be used to protect the delicate eye area and skin after aesthetic/clinical procedures. FORMULATED WITHOUT: – Preservatives – Parabens – Sulfates – Propylene Glycol – Synthetic Fragrances – Synthetic Dyes – Petro-Chemicals – Phthalates

Key Benefits:

o Anti-UVA/UVB protection helps delay early skin aging such as wrinkle formation, reduced elasticity, skin dryness and age spots
o 5 STAR UVA Rated – to block the #1 cause of wrinkles: UVA light
o Anti-MMP (sun-induced collagen damage)
o Potent antioxidant, anti-pollution and strong anti-inflammatory
o For all skin types, including sensitive or rosacea-prone skin.

Key Ingredients:

o Zinc Oxide provides broad spectrum UVA/UVB/UVC protection
o Advanced Rice Peptides prevent MMP (UV-light breakdown of the collagen matrix), one of the primary causes in the development of lines and wrinkles
o Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Green Tea and Beta-Carotene neutralize pollution & ozone generated free radicals

A BONUS budget friendly pick:

Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Liquid Daily Sun Protection SPF 55

Cost: $11.99

For an inexpensive sunscreen that does the job and keeps your skin protected and break-out free, buy a few of these bottles to throw in your purse, your car, your beach bag, so you never are without SPF protection.  Make sure to shake prior to using and smother your skin in this ultra light, very high SPF sunscreen.  Ultra Sheer Liquid Daily Sun Protection is a great sunblock at an even better price.
Ultra Sheer Liquid Daily Sun Protection layers invisibly under makeup while delivering powerful sun protection. This water-light formula spreads easily over skin and absorbs instantly for a weightless feel. With its breakthrough lightweight liquid formula and even, matte finish, it’s the perfect complement to your daily makeup routine. It can be used alone, over moisturizer or under foundation. 

  • Helioplex® Broad Spectrum UVA-UVB SPF 55 protection
  • Waterproof, sweatproof
  • Non-comedogenic (won’t clog pores)
  • Oil-free, PABA free