

I am beyond excited to begin my Australian adventure! Every Australian picture I have stumbled across seems to depict a bright, sunshine-filled wonderland of adventure, lush tropical life, bustling cities and enormous expanses of beaches.  The people seem larger than life and there doesn’t seem to be a shortage in activities (snorkeling anyone?). To be a part of the Oprah Show audience when Oprah herself made the announcement still seems surreal. There I was, sitting next to my mother, surrounded by friendly strangers, all anticipating Ms. O’s appearance on stage. What will the topic of the show be? Will it be the premiere episode? Will there be a celebrity guest?

When I first found out I was going, I immediately started going through my litany of to-do lists and obligations. I feared that taking a break wasn’t a realistic or even doable possibility. “I can’t go halfway across the world in less than three months?” I said to myself. “That is completely unrealistic and just plain crazy.” I live a life of routine. My days blend effortlessly into one another and I rarely stray from my path. I work diligently and consistently and every to-do list that I create in the morning, I have completed by the time I go to bed. Australia wasn’t on my to-do list. Australia wasn’t even a tiny speck on the horizon. Travel wasn’t in the itinerary for my life right now. But then life took me on a wild ride. Flown to Chicago, put up in the Omni Hotel on Michigan Avenue, a dinner overlooking the city lights, none of this was planned. It all came out of nowhere. And now this. A trip to Australia out of the blue! And I get to go with my mother. I get to build memories and experience the trip of a lifetime.

Now I get to create a brand new to do list. “Things to do to prepare for Australia!”

-Get a passport!

I can’t wait to cross that off my list. Stay tuned…

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