Sleep On It


There was a fascinating study reported on in Tara Parker Pope’s NYTimes Well column about the helping power of dreaming. Apparently, people who take their problems to bed can end up dreaming their way to a solution. As someone who has the bad tendency to stress about all of my problems, issues, obstacles right before bed, this is something I had typically tried to avoid. I try to put all questions out of my mind, clear it of the clutter, and sleep peacefully. Now I am wondering if I should allow these questions to ruminate. Let them stir and swirl inside my head as I prepare for sleep. Maybe these questions will be answered in my sleep. Maybe the answers will come to me in my dreams. Maybe I will be able to see the obstacles from a different perspective and begin to understand the choices that make the most sense for me and my life. Could our dreams really help us untangle the knots in our lives? It’s worth giving it a chance.

Have you ever found an answer in your dreams?

Do you think about all of your problems before going to sleep?

Have you ever followed the guidance of a dream?