Freedom of Expression

It seems that more and more frequently new social networking, blogging, communication portal sites are popping up. Whether you are blogging through Tumblr, Twitter, Blogspot or Facebook, you are essentially trying to get your thoughts out there in the most concise, and yet powerful, way. But why are certain sites growing in popularity over others? Why are people loving the format of Tumblr and Twitter? Because it is a streamlined version, a simple and quick way to get your thoughts out without overwriting or being forced to try too hard. Honestly, aren’t these quick blogging sites helping us stay true to our most authentic selves? When posting is so easy and space is limited, don’t we find that we weed out all of the unnecessary posturing and show who we really are through our words? I know you have all been to blogs that almost make you cringe because the “blogger” is trying so hard to be funny, witty, smart, original. What these bloggers don’t realize is that when you try so hard to be any or all of these things, you dilute your essential self. The person you are first thing in the morning or right before you fall asleep at night. That is your true self. The person you are when you are sick or at your most vulnerable is you. Embrace it! Love it! Accept it! and write it!!!!!!