Archives for 2008

The Greats

thayer allyson gowdy

There is nothing as wonderful as getting lost in a book, becoming completely absorbed by the words written across a milky page. Sometimes I can get so lost in a book, so head-over-heels in love with the characters, that when tragedy strikes, I am as devastated by the loss as if it were real. Why, when life is always handing us lemons, do we insist on breaking our hearts with the make believe? Should we avoid stories that will ultimately leave us drowning in tears, or immerse ourselves in them fully? Will they help us better understand our own lives and perhaps see the lights shining brighter than before? Will they prepare us for an experience? Will they enrich our lives and make us stronger? If not, then why bother?

It is an incredible trust we put in the hands of writers. We pray that the path they have created for us is one that we can follow safely and come out at the end better for it. Not all writers are as capable, some can sucker punch us and leave us winded and wondering what went wrong. How could we have not seen this coming? Writers ask us to place our trust in their words, our heart in their pages and come into the world they created with an open mind. If they write from a pure, honest place, without an agenda or a formula, we follow them willingly. Many writers try but only few succeed. This summer, honor the writers who write with the purity of their art and the honesty of their soul.

Alice Munroe, Sue Miller, Anne Tyler, Elizabeth Berg, John Irving. These are just a few of the greats. Discover them if you haven’t yet, revisit them if you’ve already been there and pass along these gifted writers to friends and family.

{photo credit: Thayer Allyson Gowdy}

I Do…in Canada

Love and Marriage in 19th Century Canada is a brand new exhibit profiling the correspondences between young couples in love during the 1800’s. It is amazing to see that the problems faced then and now are desperately similar; long distance love, families disapprovals, finances. The times have changed but the issues remain the same. The only major difference is that today we never correspond with letters, it is a lost art. We are now relegated to emails and text messages and so much is lost in the modern translation. Imagine receiving a letter like this one, so filled with words of love that they are virtually falling off the page.

Maybe these Canadians know a thing or two about the pursuit of love and the art of the written word.

In the moment…

“The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.” -Henry Miller

NONSOCIETY with Julia, Meghan and Mary

Julia Allison for Non Society

Julia Allison, former editor-at-large for Star Magazine, columnist for Time Out New York and frequent contributor to Fox News and Page Six has started a new venture with her two best friends, Meghan Asha and Mary Rambin. The site is called NonSociety and it hopes to inspire all of us to “Live Differently.” I had been a frequent follower of Julia Allison’s blog until she took a much-needed hiatus from the spotlight. She is back and hoping to be better than ever. We will all have to wait and see what kind of exciting venture this is going to be for these media gals. It can be expected that they will be “Gawker-ed” about and scrutinized, but lets hope that the naysayers do not deter these girls from living their lives out loud. They have the energy, enthusiasm and hope that is the definition of “Moxie.” I can’t help but like them!

A Small Beautiful World

I found this gorgeous apartment on one of my favorite sites, design*sponge. As I was scrolling through the photos, I clicked on one of the links and was directed to the owners of the apartment who have their own very cool store in California, Empiric. Design*Sponge profiled their studio as well, and I was equally enamored.

Then I realized…I know this girl! We grew up in the same town and have a close friend in common. I am amazed at what she is doing out in sunny California and the beautiful life she has created for herself. She’s recently married and appears to be appreciating all of the beautiful things life has to offer. I urge you all to visit her store, her site, her blog and try to infuse your own life with a little bit of her enthusiasm!

Congrats Annie!

The Sea

Rosanna, Inc.

I love the combination of blue and white and the way that it immediately (and intensely) evokes thoughts of the sea. I have lived on the water all of my life and feel lucky and blessed. There is something calming, soothing and healing about the ocean.  I intend to incorporate an ocean theme in my home. This work is from Rosanna, Inc. Rosanna Bowles creates gorgeous and inspiring dishware that turns your table setting into a work of art or a relaxing escape. I just love her work! I discovered her through Elements of Style…a fantastic site that you will literally lose hours on just exploring the images she has collected.


I feel like I am letting myself down. I haven’t posted in a few days…a drought, it seems…and the reason is my own frustration. I was enjoying Pillars of the Earth and my Oprah challenge, but then a new book struck my fancy and POTE kept creeping further and further away from my nightstand. It is now across the room in a pile of books that have been sadly neglected at around the page 50 mark. My secret is out…I am easily distracted by books and end up leaving many neglected and unfinished. Ugh! Why do I do this to myself?! Pillars is such a good read but it is very long and very detailed and very historical. It’s not really beach reading. But then again, many of the books I pick up for “beach reading” leave me feeling unsatisfied and empty…I’m not going to make the potato chip comparison because we’ve all heard that one far too many times. But I am going to ask a question…what is more important from a book, learning or enjoyment? I know that you have struck gold if you can both learn from and enjoy one book, but that doesn’t always happen. Many times you will suffer through a book and feel either bored senseless or like you lost a few brain cells somewhere around chapter 2.

So, should I stick with Pillars and ultimately feel the pride of accomplishment or move on and find something that I really, truly enjoy…even if that means only getting halfway through a handful of books before finding the right one?

PS- Please, please, please…if anyone knows who the above picture was created by, let me know. I found it a long time ago, saved it, LOVED it, and have no idea who took it. I want to credit the beautiful artist behind this creation so drop me a note and I will link it up!

The Journey of Ambition


The first section of Pillars of the Earth has already begun to delve into one of the overall themes that I have heard relates significantly to this book, ambition. Ambition is a wonderful and powerful quality. It is respected among men and admired in women. In the book, Tom Builder, has so much ambition to become a builder of great cathedrals, “once he tasted that wine, Tom was never satisfied with anything less.” His strong desire to build these cathedrals was of great concern to his wife. She respected his life’s passion and his ambitious pursuit of success, even if it was to the detriment of their financial stability. She could not understand the decision but she respected her husband because he was a good man.

However, ambition can turn ugly when the person driving that ambition does not respect the people in his life. This fall from grace is not a charming or gracious quality. It turns quickly from ambition to greed and selfishness. Pursuing your life’s passion with great abandon is about creating a path towards fulfillment, but if you arrive there alone, knowing you have hurt everyone who tried to stand beside you, your path to ambition will have been unsuccessful and your life’s journey will have been a failure.

Be ambitious, but also be gracious, caring, loving and kind. Be sensitive and inspired and devoted. As the picture says, the world makes way for those who know where they are going. Where ever you are going, go there with love in your heart.


About a year ago I made an ambitious decision. I decided that I would read every book selected by Oprah’s Book Club. Unfortunately, life got in the way, as it tends to do, and I continuously put off my goal.

Well, now I’m back …and more motivated then ever. Because here’s the difference, not only am I going to read every book on Oprah’s list…but I’m going to see how each book relates to my life at the time I am reading it. I am going to see how much I learn about myself, my life, my surroundings and my own thoughts while exploring the lives of others in Oprah’s selections. Something has to be said for books that have sold millions of copies and a woman who has changed the face of reading. We all know how hard it is to get a book chosen by Oprah, so what is it that makes these books different and life changing?

I have started with what I thought to be the most ambitious of the list…and also one of the most recent, THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH by Ken Follett. THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH is a book written about the building of a church in medieval times. If I can find a way to learn something about myself from this book, then I will believe in miracles and the power of pursuing the unattainable. The book also happens to fill up nearly 1,000 pages. I chose to start my Oprah Project with this particular book, at this particular time (beginning of summer) for a reason. It is now up to me to determine what that reason was and how it will affect my life.

I am looking forward to this journey for no other reason than I will get to explore books I would not normally have read and learn something about myself along the way.

Here is the breathless description of PILLARS OF THE EARTH from Oprah’s website; In the quest to build the greatest Gothic cathedral ever known, a struggle between good and evil erupts – turning church against state and brother against brother.

The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett


Don’t forget, to get up-to-the-minute news on everything I find interesting, head over to


Here’s another fascinating post from Gretchen’s Happiness Project…about friendship.

Here are eight psychological terms and principles that I’ve found helpful as I’ve been trying to build and strengthen my friendships.

1. Triadic closure. In a phenomenon called “triadic closure,” people tend to befriend the friends of their friends – and this is very satisfying. Friendships thrive on inter-connection, and it’s both energizing and comforting to feel that you’re building not just friendships, but a social network. I now make much more of an effort to help my friends become friends with each other, and to befriend friends’ friends. (Total non sequitur: “befriend friends’ friends” is quite a phrase! Bad writing, but I couldn’t resist.)

2. Emotional contagion. “Emotional contagion” is a strong psychological effect in which we “catch” the happy, sad, or angry moods of others. Someone in a happy, energetic mood will help boost the moods of others, and obviously, this creates a very pleasant atmosphere. Unfortunately, negative moods are more contagious than positive moods; if I’m crabby, I can trigger a wave of crabbiness in my friends. I’m trying to do a better job of living up to my duty to be happy.

3. The mere exposure effect. Familiarity breeds affection. The “mere exposure effect” describes the fact that repeated exposure makes people like music, faces — even nonsense syllables — better. Because of the “exposure principle,” the more often a person sees another person, the more intelligent and attractive that person will be ranked. So I try to put myself in situations where I’m going to see a lot of the same people over and over.

4. Fundamental attribution error. The fundamental attribution error is a psychological phenomenon in which we tend to view other people’s actions as reflections of their characters, and to overlook the power of the situation to influence their action. In other words, we over-emphasize the role that personality plays in shaping others’ behavior, and under-emphasize the role of outside forces. I assume that the guy in the drugstore is an inconsiderate jerk because he rushed ahead of me to get to the counter, when in fact, he’s very considerate, and he’s rushing to get home with the medicine for his sick girlfriend.

5. Warmth. Attraction is reciprocal; we tend to like people more when we think the like us. So if I’m friendly and openly pleased to see someone person, that person is more likely to feel friendly toward me. Instead of playing it cool, I try to show a lot of warmth.

6. Smiling. As obvious as it seems, studies do show that we’re perceived as more friendly when we smile more (it also helps to have an expressive face, to nod, to lean forward, to have a warm tone). The sheer amount of time smiling makes a very big difference on perceived friendliness.

7. Subliminal touching. Studies show that subliminal touching – that is, touching touching a person so unobtrusively that it’s not noticed – dramatically increases that person’s sense of well-being and positive feelings toward the toucher. And vice versa. This fleeting touching might be something like touching a person’s back as you walk through a door, or touching his or her arm for emphasis.

8. Situation evocation. In situation evocation, we spark a response from people that reinforces a tendency we already have — for example, if I act irritable all the time, the people around me are probably going to treat me with less patience and helpfulness, which will, in turn, stoke my irritability. If I can manage to joke around, I’ll evoke a situation in which the people around me were more likely to joke around, too. In other words, I make my own weather.

As with many aspects of happiness, people often assume that friendship should flow easily and naturally, and that trying to “work” on it is forced and inauthentic. But in the bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to forget to take time for our real priorities. Since I’ve started trying to keep my happiness-project resolutions, I’ve found that my friendships have expanded and deepened. It’s worth the effort.

My Happiness

I have been following Gretchen Rubin’s blog, THE HAPPINESS PROJECT, for quite some time now. She is incredibly inspiring and offers great advice on a very regular basis. Gretchen believes that two of the most important activities that help bring happiness into your life is getting plenty of sleep and exercising on a daily basis. Here are her tips for incorporating exercise in your daily life.
11 tips for sticking to a schedule of regular exercise.

Exercise is a KEY to happiness. Research shows that people who exercise are healthier, more energetic, think more clearly, sleep better, and have delayed onset of dementia. They get relief from anxiety and mild depression, comparable to medication and therapy. They perform better at work.

Also, although it’s tempting to flop down on the couch when you’re feeling exhausted, exercise is actually a great way to boost energy levels. Feeling tired is a reason to exercise, not a reason to skip exercise.

But even when you admit that you’d feel better if you exercised, it can be very hard to adopt the habit. My idea of fun has always been to lie in bed, reading, preferably while also eating a snack – but I’ve managed to keep myself exercising by using all these tricks on myself:

1. Always exercise on Monday. This sets the psychological pattern for the week. Along the same lines…

2. If at all possible, exercise first thing in the morning. As the day wears on, you’ll find more excuses to skip exercising. Get it checked off your list, first thing.

3. Never skip exercising for two days in a row. You can skip a day, but the next day, you must exercise, no matter how inconvenient.

4. Give yourself credit for the smallest effort. My father always said that all he had to do was put on his running shoes and close the door behind him. Many times, by promising myself I could quit ten minues after I’d started, I got myself to start – and then found that I didn’t want to quit, after all.

5. Think about context. I thought I disliked weight-training, but in fact, I disliked the guys who hung out in the weight-training area. Are you distressed about the grubby showers in your gym? Do you try to run in the mornings, but recoil from going out in the cold? Examine the factors that might be discouraging you from exercising.

6. Exercise several times a week. If your idea of exercise is to join games of pick-up basketball, you should be playing practically every day. Twice a month isn’t enough.

7. If you don’t have time both to exercise and take a shower, find a way to exercise that doesn’t require you to shower afterward. Twice a week, I have a very challenging weight-training session, but the format I follow doesn’t make me sweat. (Some of you are saying, “It can’t be challenging if you don’t sweat!” Oh yes, believe me, it is.)

8. Look for affordable ways to make exercising more pleasant or satisfying. Could you upgrade to a nicer or more convenient gym? Buy yourself a new iPod? Work with a trainer? Get a pedometer to keep track of your walking distances? Exercise is a high life priority, so this a worthwhile place to spend some money if that helps.

9. Think of exercise as part of your essential preparation for times you want to be in especially fine form — whether in performance (to be sharp for an important presentation) or appearance (to look good for a wedding) or mood (to deal with a stressful situation). Studies show that exercise does help.

10. Remember one of my favorite Secrets of Adulthood, courtesy of Voltaire: Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Don’t decide it’s only worth exercising if you can run five miles or if you can bike for an hour. I have a friend who scorns exercise unless she’s training for a marathon — so she never exercises. Even going for a ten-minute walk is worthwhile. Do what you can.

11. Don’t kid yourself. Belonging to a gym doesn’t mean you go to the gym. Having been in shape in high school or college doesn’t mean you’re in shape now. Saying that you don’t have time to exercise doesn’t make it true.


My sister is a writer. I am surrounded by writers because of my career. I read obsessively and come from a family of voracious readers. I have entertained thoughts of being a writer. But then fear creeps in. Fear of failure grabs hold of the jugular and doesn’t let go. The minute you make the daring decision to become a writer, the pleasure of reading may become a little bit more of a pressure. You will find yourself critiquing other writers, looking for themes, recognizing pace and beats and timing. You will deconstruct everything you read.  What once before had been an enjoyable story will now become a practice test, something to be studied, understood and learned from.

If I ever write that great American novel (I would even settle for good American novel), I would want it to be honest and real, true to my heart and authentic. These are the qualities that make up great fiction. But the problem is, these are usually the subjects that sit close to your heart, in that unmarked spot that when visited can bring a person to tears. Do I want to bring all of these emotions that already sit too close to the surface out into my writing? If I don’t aren’t I cheating myself from creating the strongest and most compelling work that I am capable of writing? They say that most author’s debut work is strongly autobiographical. Am I ready to explore those topics that can bring me to my knees? Where does the strength come from that can allow an author to explore that part of themselves that is most fragile and vulnerable? Someday I will tap into my own inner well and let the words flow like water straight from my heart. For now, I will champion the works of others and continue living the journey that can someday be explored on the page.

Pregnancy is the New Black

Angelina is pregnant with twins, Jessica Alba is glowing down every red carpet, Ashlee Simpson has finally come out of the closet with her pregnancy and Kelly Ripa is considering adding another baby to her bunch. The sleek and stylish are now adding new bumps to their fashion statements. More and more fashion-obsessed young women are finding that pregnancy can mean changing their wardrobe without losing their style. has just acquired and, two sites targeted to young mothers preoccupied with style and pop culture.

Editor Kim Gundy of CelebrityPregnancy said celebs in gestation draw “an entirely new fan base of expectants and mothers.”

“Women are obsessed with wanting to know everything about celebrity pregnancy,” she spouted. “Pregnancy is the new black!” The network purportedly draws 12 million unique visitors and 100 million page views per month.

Considering that less than two decades ago, pregnancy on television (and especially unwed pregnancy) was virtually a taboo, now it’s become the hot statement to make. Is this safe or are we promoting pregnancy as the new fashion accessory? Are we sending younger and younger girls into motherhood far too soon? Or is this a healthy way to celebrate the beauty of pregnancy and motherhood?

Demi Moore posed pregnant on the cover of Vanity Fair before it was the “cool” thing to do. Now it seems famous people are celebrating their pregnancy with great fan fair, regardless of age, marital status or maturity. Pregnancy is an absolutely beautiful and amazing event, it should be celebrated. But is their a downside to its growing popularity?

A Photograph and the Truth

Today, after waking up and having a bagel and cream cheese, I sat down at my desk and began searching around on various, insignificant, time-consuming websites. I happened to stumble upon Facebook, a website that I truly abhor but that occasionally peaks my interest when I see a new “friend” has joined or possibly added new photos. Typically, venturing into other people’s internet lives can lead to a depression of sorts. They always portray themselves in the most exciting situations, with the most glamorous of cohorts. They are in love, or laughing or having fun or tanned, and for some reason this both frustrates and depresses me, causing me to compare lives and success stories and futures. But today was different. Today I looked at my own profile (one I have scrolled through frequently, criticizing certain photos of myself, wishing others were better) but today I stopped on a particular picture. It was a photo of me and my five-year-old niece. She looked like an angel, perfect in every possible way, as she always does. But as I looked at myself in that photograph, something clicked. For the first time I think I really saw myself. I wasn’t forcing a smile that was too harsh or too fake. I wasn’t worried about the angle of my face or the possibility of too much chin or not enough eyes. I was just happy and content holding her close to me, protecting her. I don’t look like a girl trying to be younger, cooler, happier, better. I look like a woman, confident in herself and aware of the world around her. Aware of all the bad, horrible, unfortunate things, but also confident in the good that is out there too. The blessings, the wonders, the amazement, the memories that form every single day of our lives. I wasn’t trying to be someone I’m not, I was just me and it was perfect.

Freedom of Expression

It seems that more and more frequently new social networking, blogging, communication portal sites are popping up. Whether you are blogging through Tumblr, Twitter, Blogspot or Facebook, you are essentially trying to get your thoughts out there in the most concise, and yet powerful, way. But why are certain sites growing in popularity over others? Why are people loving the format of Tumblr and Twitter? Because it is a streamlined version, a simple and quick way to get your thoughts out without overwriting or being forced to try too hard. Honestly, aren’t these quick blogging sites helping us stay true to our most authentic selves? When posting is so easy and space is limited, don’t we find that we weed out all of the unnecessary posturing and show who we really are through our words? I know you have all been to blogs that almost make you cringe because the “blogger” is trying so hard to be funny, witty, smart, original. What these bloggers don’t realize is that when you try so hard to be any or all of these things, you dilute your essential self. The person you are first thing in the morning or right before you fall asleep at night. That is your true self. The person you are when you are sick or at your most vulnerable is you. Embrace it! Love it! Accept it! and write it!!!!!!

America’s Next Top Model: Bigger and Better

I never thought I would see the day that a plus size model would win the title, AMERICA’S NEXT TOP MODEL. Now in its tenth season, the reality hit started by Tyra Banks has taken an impressive (and inspiring) stance by selecting a “real” woman to win the show. I’m not going to deny it, I was applauding this decision as I watched the final moments of the finale.

I hope that this helps girls growing up in our look-obsessed, thin-obsessed society. This is what a model should look like. I don’t know if it going to change anything and I can almost guarantee this is going to be but a little blip on the fashion scene, but at least it shows we are heading in the right direction.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the winner, Whitney Thompson, stays true to her real beauty and doesn’t defeat the win by becoming yet another stick figure.

Patience is a Virtue

“What true patience is, is knowing that you want it and knowing that it’s coming and actually enjoying the unfolding along the way. Understand that you never get it done. So you might as well be patient. You never get it done, because every time you want and receive, you also receive a new perspective from which to want. Life is a constant unfolding of new desires and then a constant alignment to those desires.” –Abraham Hicks

I stumbled upon this website, Abraham Hicks, and was delighted to see that every single day it offers an inspirational quote or positive life affirmation. Sometimes I am really amazed by how consistent we can be when it comes to paying bills, going to work, making dinner, exercising, but when it comes to having patience and paying attention to our own inner monologue, we lose control. This world can certainly overwhelm us and whether we choose to thrive amidst the chaos or crumble, it is our decision. Maybe chaos is not something you can handle, maybe you need order, control, simplicity. Unfortunately, that is not something we ultimately can have control over. Life will throw us curve balls. It will push us to our knees and leave us feeling helpless. It is in the moments of utter chaos and loss that we must reach inside and find our strength. We need to have the patience to appreciate every moment as a gift, no matter how uncomfortable it may feel. It is only with our own strength, patience and grace that we can begin to understand the meaning of life and our own purpose.

The First 30 Days

Today I found a fantastic site that will both inspire and challenge. It is called The First 30 Days and was started by a woman named Ariane de Bonvoisin. The site is devoted to helping people get through the first 30 days of any difficult task, aspiration, dream, goal, wish, struggle, adventure. Whether you are starting a new company, trying to stick with a diet or exercise routine, or just want to follow a dream, this site will help you accomplish anything. Ariane has made it her life’s mission to help people get through change, because no matter who you are or where you are in your life, change is the one definitive characteristic. Visit her site and read about her inspiring and amazing background and make a decision to change something about your life…today!

“Learning to embrace change has been the single most important tool to helping me love my life more and always looking for the positive in everything that happens.”

Ariane de Bonvoisin

The Little Things

I love this photo for so many reasons. First of all, the color is gorgeous. The way she creates sharp images with great contrast is amazing! Also, because it represents the best example of love. This was what Karen Russell came home to find after a long, busy day. Her husband set it up and it is so beautiful and touching in its simplicity. This is what I truly believe, sometimes it really is the smallest things that leave the biggest impression in our hearts. It’s not the big presents on birthdays or anniversaries, it’s the little things we come home to on a Sunday night. The little things that say, “I was thinking about you…and I love you.”

PS- That is a tape measure in the bottom of the picture because she had been complaining that she lost hers.