It’s a Sign…

I need to preface this post with a bit of background. Everything below the photo was written on March 12, 2020. The next day our world went into lockdown-self-preservation-fleeing from a pandemic-hyper vigilant-sterilizing everything- full on terror mode. The irony that I posted a stock photo of a sign that read “Come In We’re Open and Awesome” is absolutely not lost on me.

Something that I am constantly doing and have been for most of my adult life is reading blogs and finding solace in all of the universal experiences and feelings. This year has kept us farther apart and more separate than ever and yet, in some strange way, I feel more united. I feel that we have endured this year together. We have been resilient together. We have found silver linings and ways to amuse ourselves. We have shared meme’s and stories. We have found our commonality and our core beliefs. We have seen ourselves reflected in other peoples faces and words. We have become aware of the insignificance of things we held on pedestals and the massive importance of tiny moments. I discovered, or perhaps rediscovered, that writing is my own version of therapy. It’s how I understand what is going on in my mind and in my life and where those threads intersect. So this website is coming back to life…again! Just like all of us are suddenly feeling a tiny glimmer of light at the end of this treacherously long and dark tunnel, so too will my teeny tiny corner of the internet be coming back to life.

I will leave you with my never-before-published because a pandemic hit the next day post from last year. I will also leave you with my word that I will bring this site back to life. I will bring my thoughts to the forefront. I will use this platform to stretch my creative writing/journalism/idea sharing/product suggesting/question asking muscle on a public level. There is a certain level of editing that must be performed when you are releasing your thoughts and ideas into the wild and I like the challenge that presents. I like the idea of growing through, and with, my writing. I am coming to this website older, more mature, not jaded but more aware, and also with a better understanding of how life works. I always thought that I couldn’t be a “blogger” until I had a perfect vision of my “brand.” I couldn’t start until my writing was at its most polished. I couldn’t start until I had a thick enough skin to risk putting myself “out there.” My skin is thicker, having children will do that to you. Perspectives change. Challenges strengthen you. You experience the pain of breaking and the triumph of becoming stronger in the broken places. (Paraphrasing a famous Ernest Hemingway quote here -“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places”). Writing a few words on a website and hitting publish is a lot easier than taking care of another human being who is solely and completely dependent on you.

So this is my vision for Daily Moxie (and for my writing in general). I am writing to learn. I am writing to grow. I am writing to understand, appreciate, notice, and pay attention. I am writing to find the silver lining. I am writing to air my grievances. I am writing to make sense of the senseless and to find hope in the hopeless. I am writing to prove to myself and anyone reading that we exist in this time and space together. We are all connected. We may have different beliefs but we are more similar than we think.

I am writing because, as Joan Didion says, “I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see and what it means.”

So yes, some of my writing will be deep and meaningful. It will ask questions and hopefully provide ideas and maybe even some answers. It will also show you the lens through which I view my life, what I see, what I like and love and what I feel it all means.

I’m just one voice. But sometimes, that’s all it takes to make a difference in your own life or someone else’s. So here goes…



I have been blogging on and off for over 15 years. I have word counts that number in the hundreds of thousands and yet I am constantly comparing myself to other people who have done it “better” or are able to monetize a system so fluidly that it leaves me practically dumbfounded and fully overwhelmed. But what is the point of a blog? What is the meaning behind sharing our thoughts, views, ideas, and fears in a public forum? Because it helps unite us all in a common, universal experience called life. We are all in this together and never has this been more apparent than during the fear of an unknown virus (Covid-19). I truly hope (and pray) that one day we will all be able to look back on this time with feelings of triumphantly surviving a catastrophic pandemic. This is unchartered territory for every single human on this planet. This has literally never happened before.

As a constant silver lining seeker, I can tell you that I truly believe we can use this time as a learning and growing experience. We can take this time when we are forced to quarantine ourselves and shut ourselves off from the fast-paced, competitive world and actually do the work that we have always wanted to do. Be the people we have always wanted to be. Look inside and see what brings us happiness, what makes us eager to get up in the morning (even in the face of tragedy, fear, and uncertainty) and pursue that. What is worth our time and dedication? What brings us joy? What can we do to help others while helping ourselves and hopefully understanding more throughout the process?

I know that one thing I can do is to stop comparing, stop pressuring, stop questioning, stop worrying and START DOING. Here is something I know about myself. I love to write. I have dozens and dozens of journals that I have filled to capacity. I have been keeping some form of journal or diary since I was six years old and I don’t have any plans on stopping. It’s on the page and through words that I solve my own problems and, oftentimes, prevent future problems from coming up. In my journals is where I first explored the intricacies of true friendships, the unpredictability of love (and lust), desires for life and work and love, fears, hopes, dreams, children, loss, sadness, heartbreak, anger, betrayal, and optimism. Everything. I wrote it all down. I didn’t always come up with an answer, quite frequently the last sentence of an entry was ended with a question mark but that didn’t matter because sometimes life is lived in those question marks. Sometimes answers don’t come easily (or ever, for that matter) but exploring your thoughts and feelings will always help you understand yourself. Writing it down lessens the impact, takes the steam out of our fears and helps move us forward.

So often what kept me from entering the blogosphere or writing for magazines, was the negative thought pattern of “why would anyone care what I have to say?” Through writing out these fears and delving into them more thoughtfully and with wider perspective, I realized that my writing helps one person tremendously, me.


Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up




I crave time. I dream about having free hours that stretch endlessly ahead of me. I want to sit with my children and just stare at their beautiful faces without being bombarded with thoughts about planning dinner, doing laundry, cleaning, working, checking things off my never-ending to-do list. Why does it always seem that we have everything BUT time? The number of hours in a day has never changed and will never change. We all have the same amount but it is up to the individual to determine how they want to fill those hours. Why are we so starved for time?

This may be contributing to the popularity of the trend towards minimalism. We have too many distractions fighting for our attention. Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, politics, books, television, online shopping, radio, podcasts, websites, games, toys, YouTube. The list goes on and on and on and on. We desperately want to have a simple space to just sit with our thoughts, no distractions except the beating of our hearts.

With the increase in stimuli comes the rise in popularity of meditation and simplification. Every major designer has an Instagram account where you can get daily doses of the latest fashions, click and buy, and at the same time bloggers are posting daily about their capsule wardrobes (limited, seasonal wardrobes of usually 30 items or less). Home renovation programs rise, shelter magazines explode and the tiny house/minimalist movement is growing in popularity every day. We are an exercise in contradictions and we are always looking for the next “trend” that will help us achieve peace, happiness, and serenity. I love exploring trends to see if they do, in fact, deliver on their promises. Most don’t. However, the ones that do will stay with you for a lifetime and truly have the ability of changing how you view the world and your place in it. It is always worth a shot.

Marie Kondo’s THE LIFE-CHANGING MAGIC OF TIDYING UP skyrocketed up bestseller lists the minute it came on the scene and it hasn’t diminished in popularity. In other words, the Kon-Mari Method seems to have staying power. People are hungry for scaling down on their possessions (and more accurately, obsessions). What exactly does Marie advise? What is the Kon-Mari Method, as it has been coined? Does it work and can it be applied to anyone’s life or just people who want to become minimalists?

I am a sentimental person. I scrapbook. I have memory boxes. I keep ticket stubs and receipts and business cards that spark memories. Being a minimalist did not seem like something I could ever embrace. But here’s the thing about minimalism, it’s not about living with nothing, it’s about appreciating everything and in the process of recognizing and appreciating what you do have you begin to let go of the things that are no longer serving you. When you start to strip down and prioritize what matters to you, what “sparks joy”, a popular Kon-Mari phrase, you start to really see what brings you happiness and what you want to have in your life.

So how has my life changed since reading The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up? I have become more aware of myself. I now pay attention to what I like, what brings me happiness, what defines me, my life, my style and my place in the world. I have become a sentimental minimalist. I no longer keep everything but everything I keep, matters to me in a significant way. Just like Marie, “the space I live in is graced only with those things that speak to my heart. My lifestyle brings me joy.”

Delicious Ambiguity
“I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity.”
-Gilda Radner
For reasons truly unknown to me, I have neglected this blog. Yet when I look back on the posts I have curated over the years, I am proud and inspired by the woman who penned these words. I was writing, and have always written, for myself. I write to sort out problems, soothe anxious nerves, or just understand myself better. With summer right around the corner and life starting to slow down to a sweet pace, what better time to start focusing on the blessings we encounter every single day? I also want to share the fascinating stories that I find online. Typically what I do is add these stories to my “Reading List” online but share them with no one. Why not have a platform where I can share these articles and perhaps be a beacon of light for someone searching for hope, positivity, and enthusiasm for life. So stay tuned for some lessons on gratitude, interesting finds online, book talk, interviews with fascinating people, and tips on how to live an inspiring, happy, and fulfilling life. I am going to be learning these life lessons right along with you and sharing what I find. A classroom for a wonderful life!
Reading List:
~12 Little Known Laws of Gratitude.
~8 Habits of People Who Always Have Great Ideas.
~The Evasive Work-Life Balance.
~9 Books on Reading & Writing.
~When Life Feels Like a Mess.
~The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself.
~7 Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed.
As continue to raise my beautifully spirited 2 year-old son and 4 month old daughter, I will also share some parenting lessons, suggestions, and obstacles that I learn along the way.
I look forward to building this small space into my online home. I am not doing it to build a platform, increase page-views, sell anything or become an online sensation. I just want it to be a place for me to do my favorite things; read, write, learn, and share. Delicious Ambiguity.

Nautical Themes

I love all things nautical. I live by the sea and I think it influences my style. I love greys, blues, whites. Neutral colors with many variations. I’m loving these shower curtains from West Elm! How cute are they?! What is it about the sea that is so calming, soothing, and healing? Does everyone feel this way or is it because I associate the ocean with carefree, childhood days? Either way, there is no way you can go wrong with adding the ocean to your life, in any way, shape, or form. It also helps to have summer reminders when you are faced with three feet of snow outside your window. It reassures you that summer will return again…someday. Right?


Whale Shower Curtain img25c


Anchor Shower Curtain


Thanks Erin for bringing these to my attention! Now I just have to decide which direction to go…whales or anchors? Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Random Bits

In my goal to continue posting daily, I thought I would share some cute and interesting things I found online today.


Cute bag.


Habit forming.



Want to read this book! It’s getting some fantastic praise!


Currently reading this book and it HOOKED me last night. I couldn’t put it down. Mhairi (pronounced “Var-ee”) McFarlane is SUCH a talented writer. The book comes out in the US on May 19th and I think it’s going to be a hit.

And a few more found gems…

Best Books for Boys

Take a walk.

Begin Where You Are


“We begin right where we are with what we have right in front of us at any given point in time.” – Ali Edwards

Sometimes the right words find us at exactly the right time. Today is my first official day doing my “morning pages” (Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way) and following my plan to blog every day. I want to do this to loosen up my writing muscles, get into a flow and learn who I am as a writer, a thinker, a doer. Remember that whole 10,000 hours thing? Well, it starts here for me. Day one. Hour one. Ali’s post was particularly poignant because, as she writes, “It takes a willingness to be bad at it in the beginning. We all have to start somewhere.”

I couldn’t agree more and yet it’s something that I seem to forget every time I begin a new practice or try a new skill.

“Learning a new skill or sport or art form or way of being takes time and repetition. It takes doing the same move over and over and over again. That move may involve a paintbrush or a pen or standing on your hands or lacing up your shoes or yelling kiai or sitting at a wheel or looking through the lens over and over and over again.” (Ali Edwards)

I wrote in my morning pages, “It may seem self-indulgent to take this time to write three pages every morning, especially when I have a baby and a business that demands so much of my time. But maybe I need to do these pages because I have a baby and a business. I need this creative expression just for me.” Julia Cameron backed up my thoughts perfectly when she wrote, “It’s not too late or too egotistical or too selfish or too silly to work on your creativity.”

We all need to put the time in if it’s something we want to learn and do well. We don’t start off as experts, we start as beginners and that’s okay. That’s more than okay. That’s exactly as it should be.

I wrote three pages this morning and most of what I wrote were questions and rambling thoughts but I did get one gem out of it. I wrote, “I want to feel my pulse through my pen.” That one sentence made the three pages of scribbles worth it. Because it’s exactly how I feel, I want to feel my pulse through my pen. I want to check in with myself and understand myself through the written word. I want to distill my thoughts and understand the events of my life better. I want to write my way to happiness. (Side note: Recent studies have even found that writing about oneself and personal experiences can improve mood disorders, help reduce symptoms among cancer patients, improve a person’s health after a heart attack, reduce doctor visits and even boost memory, according to the New York Times)

You know you are on the right path and doing the work you need to be doing if you feel a fire in your heart. That fire was ignited yesterday and I can’t wait to see where it takes me.

Hello February



I’m so excited about this month. February always feels like the turning of a corner. We are making the slow march towards spring and leaving the frigid temperatures of winter behind us. February is also a time when I start to really look at where I stand in the year. We are already one month into 2015 and resolutions are probably waning for most. Maybe some of us haven’t even attempted to embark on those resolutions. I am in the most confusing of positions. I couldn’t decide on a resolution. I had too many ideas floating around in my busy head. I wanted to write more. I wanted to exercise more. I wanted to simplify my life, streamline, explore minimalism. Ali Edwards has a One Little Word program that she runs where you focus on one word for the entire year. Couldn’t decide what I wanted my word to be. Do you see a pattern here? I have trouble making decisions (classic Pisces-two fish swimming in opposite directions).

Then something amazing happened. On a cold, snowy Sunday I stumbled upon a blog. Janice MacLeod. Janice is an artist, a writer, an explorer, a traveler, but also a girl, just like me, looking for her passion. She started a blog in 2010 in the hopes of documenting her ability to do 365 days of Julia Cameron’s Morning Pages from her wildly popular book, The Artist’s Way. Essentially, Janice wanted to change her life. The Morning Pages became a focal point and a way to channel her creative energy. What resulted is astounding. Janice quit her job, sold her belongings and traveled to France, looking for adventures. She blogged her way through everything and started writing letters and painting images of her travels to her friends and family back home. The blog took off and her creativity blossomed. She ended up writing Paris Letters: One Woman’s Journey from the Fast Lane to a Slow Stroll in Paris. The rest, as they say, is history. What fascinates me is that all of this was the result of pursuing her passion and dedicating herself to change. She ended her first post with these words, “I’m like a horse at the gate. Excited. Nervous. I’m also frothing at the mouth. Game on.”

As I continued to read on about Janice, I found that she, too, was inspired by another artist, Percy Kelly, who sent letters to a friend. Letters that were illustrated and told a story. It’s amazing to actually watch someone’s dreams begin to take shape, and this is what Janice’s blog showed. She hated her job. Hated the work she was doing. She wasn’t inspired. She needed to breathe some energy into her life and she did it in small, creative steps. Steps that resulted in a book that has hit the New York Times Bestseller list! All because she started thinking creatively and looking for inspiration everywhere. Now she is the one doing the inspiring.

I immediately had to get my hands on a copy of her book. I’m right around the age Janice was when she started her blog. I have a one-year-old son who is my everything. I want to show him what a good, happy, inspired life looks like and I think I might have found the way. Writing has always been my passion but I hide it behind press releases for other people, other writers, other creative minds. I write about their lives, their work, their passions. But what about mine?

The fact that I have just written more in the past few minutes then I have all year shows that I am excited. I’m inspired. I’m motivated. I want to see what happens to my life if I begin to follow my passion. I’m going to do what Janice did. I’m using her as my inspiration. I will start doing morning pages every single day. I want to see if the creativity will be sparked. I want to blog every. single. day. Even if it’s just one word. One picture. One thought. I want to check in here, with my thoughts, every single day. The morning pages will be used to spark my creativity, get my creative juices flowing. Like Janice, I, too, want to explore my creative side. I’ve been a scrapbooker for years. I document my daily life with words and photos in albums that no one sees. I want this blog to become a bit like my scrapbook. A place in this wide world where I can be creative and discover new facets of myself.

I have found a journal that I will use for my morning pages. I don’t know how different it will be then my diary, which I keep on a daily basis, but we shall see. I’m already 39 days into 2015 but as anyone will tell you, now is as good a day as any to start. So I will do 365 days of morning pages. 365 days of blogging. Today is Day One. Yes, this space will hold me accountable. I’ve made this proclamation before. I didn’t stick to it. Yes, it’s embarrassing. So here’s hoping that on February 8, 2016, I will have 365 posts to back me up.

As Janice said, “GAME ON!”

If you, too, are looking for inspiration, check out Janice’s book and blog. You will not be disappointed. Her artwork is stunning and her words are inspiring.


Thanksgiving via Oprah Magazine


A More Festive Feast…This is something I will definitely be incorporating into my Thanksgiving celebration this year. I absolutely love the idea of not only recognizing and acknowledging what you are grateful for but documenting it, as well. Being able to reflect on your gratitude the following year is a charming tradition to bring to the table.

Plateful of Grateful

“Pass these out during dessert and ask guests to write what they’re grateful for this year. Once everyone has read their answers aloud, pack the cards into an envelope with the date written on it so you can pull them out next year, starting an annual tradition.”

For each guest, cut a 4¼” x 5½” square of colored card stock and 2 rectangles of brown kraft card stockone 3¼” x 4½”, the other 2″ x 4½”. On one side of the colored card, glue the larger rectangle; on the other side, glue the smaller one. In the center of the larger rectangle, stamp a seasonal detail (like a pumpkin or a turkey). Above it, stamp a banner design, where guests will write their name.

(via Camille Styles)

{Oprah Magazine, November issue, p.40}

I’m back

I’m hoping to make blogging here a more regular thing…because I honestly have so many thoughts to share and ideas to explore. I am hoping to make it become a habit. A routine. I also want to have a home on the internet for creative exploration. Let’s see how this goes. For now, to have things be more manageable (especially because I have a 9 month old baby and a full time job that I love), I am going to work on posting for 30 days in a row. Just 30 days. They say that if you do something for 30 days it becomes a habit. Let’s do a little social experiment and see if works. So today is Day 1. Hopefully I will see you here tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Interesting Links


Monday was off to a slightly optimistic start. The weather seems to be brightening up (just a bit) and we seem to be heading towards warmer temps. I will keep my fingers crossed. I thought Here are a few gems I recently found and some questions I’m pondering.

Should the Breast Pump Be More Advanced?

Ergo vs. Baby Bjorn?

What is the one word that should never follow I LOVE YOU? 

Humor is a form of mental exercise.

Children and their favorite toys.

Anatomy of a Tumblr.

Top 10 Books on Simplicity because Spring Cleaning always inspires me to simplify, simplify, simplify.

Self-imposed deadlines don’t help, should I do away with my To-Do list?

Have a great week and I will be back soon!


A New Year


And my life has been forever changed.

Stay tuned for a new direction for this blog.

There will be many ways in which it will stay the same. I will still talk about things I love, inspirational thoughts and quotes, motivational ideas, and plenty of gratitude.

But now it will also include lots of things I’m learning at this stage of my life, the stage of new motherhood….and the fact that even typing the word “motherhood” and referring to myself makes me start to cry.  (Of course, that’s probably hormonal due to the fact that I only gave birth two weeks ago).

I’m thanking you in advance for joining me on this journey and I’m inviting you to throw out any ideas, advice, suggestions and thoughts. My home is your home.

This is my home.

New iPhone Case

iphone case





Very excited to start my gardening adventure and am looking forward to some beautiful spring and summer blossoms. I also feel that learning something new, like gardening, is a way to stay curious and excited about life. Days like this, when we are facing such tragedy and confusion, it’s nice to lose yourself in something real and cathartic and gratifying. I know that the minute I see a sprout of green, a sign of life and beauty, I will feel a sense of accomplishment, a sense of pride, and an appreciation for the cyclical nature of life.



Words can’t express how I feel about what happened in Boston on Marathon Monday. To have such tragedy, such loss, such pain and suffering thrust upon our beautiful city, and the inspiring people who reside here, breaks my heart. I have complete faith that we will rise above the terror and be stronger and more courageous than ever before. Yes, our innocence may be lost but our hope, faith and bravery remains.

Words to Live By…


Things I Love



Pretty Flowers from Style Me Pretty

Drink cart

In honor of Mad Men returning next week (Via)


Words of advice.

The Orange Hammock: Fiction Bits



I stumbled along the path, following the clearly marked pavers, confident that I was moving in the right direction. It had to go somewhere, right? It had to end somewhere? This was a familiar feeling. My life was mimicking this path with endless twists and turns and no definitive direction or purpose. Even though I was in a tropical paradise, after awhile palm trees all started to look the same. Flowering plants and crawling vines morphed into one continuous form of vegetation. I wasn’t seeing beauty anymore, I was just feeling panic. Panic that I would remain lost until dark. Panic that I wouldn’t be able to find my way back. Panic that I was being led so far away from where I wanted to go even though I was following a path, a clearly marked path.

The constant green was broken by a bright spot of orange in the distance. At first I thought it was an overgrown bush of blooming flowers. But the orange was so bright, so solid, it had to be something artificial. Nothing natural could hold that kind of vibrancy. As I rounded the last bend, the orange object came into focus. It was a hammock. It was an elaborate hammock, not a simple piece of fabric strung between two trees. This one was made up of intricate patterns and knots. Tassels dangled from the edges and the fabric looked clean and freshly laundered, not like something that had been hanging for a long time or forgotten long ago by travelers.

Who did this remarkable hammock belong to and why would they leave it here for anyone to use? Why would they share something so beautiful with strangers? I was too timid to sit on the hammock, too scared to trust it with my weight, but I touched it gently. I ran the tassels through my fingers as I searched the landscape for a house. There was nothing to be seen but the brilliant hammock and the stones beneath my feet leading me somewhere I did not yet know. I released the hammock and continued on my way. I was still lost. I was still scared. But I had seen beauty. I had recognized something unique and it had made me pause and reflect. I knew, someday, I would be back. I would find my way out and I would return. And maybe this time I would relinquish my fears and worries and I would simply swing.



Image Via Katie Daisy

I love everything about this painting! The quote, the colors, the contrast, the vibrancy. Just beautiful!

Happy Holidays

Well, I’m off to do some Christmas shopping. This is my absolute, hands-down, favorite time of the year. I love the festivity, the kindness, the general excitement that surrounds me wherever I go. It’s just a beautiful and breath-taking time of year. Yes, there are long lines, rude people, the expense of it all. But there is also a timeless quality to the holidays. It’s a time to remember where you were last year, the year before, ten years before. It’s a time of love and reflection. It’s also a time for hope. The possibility of a new year and all the joy and adventure yet to come. I am looking back fondly on 2012. Yes, there were some large bumps in my road and many tears shed, but I was with the people I love and I appreciated every moment of it. I have tremendous hope for 2013 and feel blessed that I am able to sit here, write these words, put my heart into everything I do and move forward.

Happy Holidays!

i love new york

I just adore this print. It’s made by Tiffany Pelczar. And what’s even more beautiful about this print? All proceeds go to the American Red Cross and Salvation Army.