Desk Drawer Clean-Up

This weekend was a bit on the rainy side and so I decided to tackle a few small projects around the house. One of them that was high on my list was the organization of my desk drawers. Now I know they don’t look terribly messy, just sort of like a catch all. The major problem being that because they are so shallow and so small, if they are filled to capacity in a disorganized manner than they are rendered essentially useless. Cleaning can sometimes feel like a daunting task but if you take it in little steps, you can make real progress over short periods of time. Without further ado, here are the before and after shots of my desk drawer (there are two drawers so stay tuned for the reveal of the cleaned and organized second drawer).





As you can see, it was the use of clear, acrylic boxes from The Container Store (that I purchased over six months ago and have been waiting to use). It’s amazing how a small space became so completely useful when I organized it and designated homes for all of my most used items. I know that everyone says “Spring Cleaning” is so popular but I find that I do my best “Spring Cleaning” in the fall. Can’t wait to share more of my adventures with you.

What do you find to be the hardest spots in your house to keep organized?

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